I'm preparing notes for MP#80 and figured I'd start posting threads of my findings.
Writing this before recording the episode so not sure how much will get into the episode
Anywho - tl;dr:
- Palworld is in early access
- Its a survival game with creature capturing elements
- People keep calling it Pokémon with guns
- Really its ARK with Pokémon
- People are really mad about it
- It is selling very well
Why is this?
People are using the CEO's old tweets against him. In these screenshots you can see he is remarking at how well genai is producing fake Pokémon in a buzzfeed article. He didnt generate these, he simply posted them without condemning genai in this same post, which is being used as a 'gotcha!' Moment
I dont have links handy but I have some screenshots

Really its nothing special.
The other thing he is in trouble for is creating a small game previously that used genai - but the game was a sort of spot-the-ai-art kind of hidden role game. I will find the name and a sour e for this before we record and update the thread