Dielan Decided to do a live posting thread. This isn't live it was earlier today. But I'm watching it now mostly unspoiled. Posting my stream of consciousness here for all to see. Feel free to jump in and post your own opinions VOD -
Dielan First off, Ben Starr is a great pick for host. I love this First award is best storytelling. Not suprised ff7r won this. The story was great I just don't like the gameplay
Dielan Next up best multiplayer I got spoiled on this one it's hd2 Not too mad. Good times were had. But what were the other nominees?
Dielan Dielan thank goodness it was not animal well Is it petty that dunky is the reason I won't play it?
Dielan There's not much in the way of trailers in this show, but the ones they have shown all look like ass so far
Dielan Studio of the year This is the epitome of popularity contest. We don't know what goes on behind the doors
Dielan Dielan they didn't even nominate stellar blade wtf At least it was ff7 and not these others. Ff7r did have a good soundtrack